Creekside Support Services (CSS) is run cooperatively by its members. Residents of Creekside who receive services from CSS, particularly those of working age are strongly encouraged to participate in the operation of the program by serving on our Board of Directors. The Board oversees the program and ensures that the services we provide meet the needs of all members.
Unlike services provided within a traditional medical model, our services may be provided off-site (e.g. at work, at school, when attending medical appointments, or going grocery shopping), depending on the availability of staff. In some cases, members who have needed to go to the emergency department have had staff assigned to go with them to ensure that their basic needs are taken care of. Occasionally, funding is available to consumers while on vacation. This allows them to travel without having to rely on family members for their care. Individuals have access to the care coordinator and LPN as necessary. They have the assurance that help is always available when it is required as staff are available to cover each other for absences.
Because Creekside Support Services is run cooperatively by its Members, Creekside residents who receive services from CSS—particularly those who are of working-age—are strongly encouraged to participate in the operation of the program by serving on our Board of Directors, which oversees the program.
All CSS Members must have the ability and initiative to direct their care.
All CSS Members are prohibited from harassing or abusing staff (i.e. HCAs). Prohibited behaviour includes verbal abuse, threats, and sexual harassment. Engaging in these behaviours will result in warnings from the coordinator and/or Board. Failure to heed such warnings in conjunction with persistent prohibited behaviour could result in the suspension of services.